About Dr. Lisa Porter
My Story
From Lisa
My Story
Lisa grew up in Northern Ontario in Sault Ste. Marie, the oldest daughter with 2 siblings and an amazing supportive family. She would spend most of her training in Hamilton Ontario, at McMaster University where she also met her husband Don. Lisa’s undergrad was in pharmaceutical sciences, this was a co-op position which gave her valuable industrial experience. Her grad work under the supervision of Dr. Johnathan Lee would start her love for understanding the basic molecular underpinnings of cell growth and division.
Lisa and Don moved to San Diego for Lisa to do her post-doctoral work under the supervision of Dr. Dan Donoghue. Here she was part of a team who characterized the human Speedy protein, kicking off one of the primary research focuses of the group today. During her post-doc she had her two sons, Jayden and Tyson, energetic, fun and the source of a lot of inspiration on a daily basis.

Lisa began at the University of Windsor as an Assistant Professor in 2004. She has moved through the ranks to Distinguished Professor with Tenure. She is also the inaugural Executive Director for WE-SPARK. She is currently the VP Research & Scientific Director St. Joseph’s Health Care London.
She feels privileged to lead a fantastic team of students and PhD-trained scientists who work together with many collaborators across a range of disciplines to find new and better ways to detect and treat cancer rapidly. Her research has been funded by the top national funding agencies in Canada and she has published her work in leading scientific journals.
Lisa is passionate about engaging students and the community in health research and believes that making true progress against complex diseases like cancer requires diversity of ideas and approaches. In her role as the founding Executive Director of WE-SPARK she has been part of a grassroots movement bringing health researchers together to form a thriving research environment driving advancements in health right here in Windsor-Essex.
From Lisa
My Story
Lisa grew up in Northern Ontario in Sault Ste. Marie, the oldest daughter with 2 siblings and an amazing supportive family. She would spend most of her training in Hamilton Ontario, at McMaster University where she also met her husband Don. Lisa’s undergrad was in pharmaceutical sciences, this was a co-op position which gave her valuable industrial experience. Her grad work under the supervision of Dr. Johnathan Lee would start her love for understanding the basic molecular underpinnings of cell growth and division.
Lisa and Don moved to San Diego for Lisa to do her post-doctoral work under the supervision of Dr. Dan Donoghue. Here she was part of a team who characterized the human Speedy protein, kicking off one of the primary research focuses of the group today. During her post-doc she had her two sons, Jayden and Tyson, energetic, fun and the source of a lot of inspiration on a daily basis.

Lisa began at the University of Windsor as an Assistant Professor in 2004. She has moved through the ranks to full Professor with tenure and feels privileged to lead an amazing team of students and PhD trained scientists who work together with many collaborators across a range of disciplines to find new and better ways to rapidly detect and treat cancer. Her research has been funded by the top national funding agencies in Canada and she has published her work in the leading scientific journals.
Lisa is passionate about engaging students and the community in health research and believes that making true progress against complex diseases like cancer requires diversity of ideas and approaches. In her role as the founding Executive Director of WE-SPARK she has been part of a grassroots movement bringing health researchers together to form a thriving research environment driving advancements in health right here in Windsor-Essex.

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